K-IWrite version 0.1
K-IWrite is a charityware. It is freely downloadable from my
home page at https://sbiswas.tripod.com/K-IWrite/.
You are free to make as many copies of the software as you like. My only appeal
is - if you like the software, please donate a few bucks to CRY.
Please help a little child who deserves everything that you and I have but has not been
as fortunate as you or me.
Please consult this link for information
on how you can make a big difference in the life of a small child.
Download K-IWrite now!
K-IWrite is not a voo-doo tool. It does not require any magical
power or a very hi-end computer. Any computer that can run Linux and has KDE 1.1.1
or above (but below 2.0) installed, can run K-IWrite. You will need
to install a font of your choice for your language. K-IWrite package
does not contain any fonts.
Next, you will need to install a proper transliteration map file. K-IWrite
does come with a few map files. However, you may need to modify and/or enhance the map
files to suit your own style and taste.
For a detailed reference on how to modify an existing map file or create your
own map file, please read this page very carefully.
Frankly, not many good Indian fonts are available for X Windows. So, far I have found
only one Bengali font at http://www2.csa.iisc.ernet.in/~abhij/bwfu
and just one Hindi font at http://www.sibal.com/sandeep/jtrans/.
I have defined a map file for the Bengali font. I would appreciate if you could take
the time and pains to define a map file for the Xdevnag font and contribute it to the
There are quite a few good Indian fonts available for Microsoft Windows platforms. If
you have the required copyright or author's permission, you could convert them to BDF
files for use with X Windows. To convert a TTF file to a BDF file, you can use my
TTF 2 BDF utility.
First download the K-IWrite archive and run this
command to extract the source code:
% tar zxf K-IWrite.tgz
In order to compile and install K-IWrite on your system, type the
following in the base directory of the K-IWrite distribution:
% ./configure
% make
% make install
Since K-IWrite uses autoconf you should have no
trouble compiling it. Should you run into problems, please report them to the author -
Subhabrata Biswas.